Wednesday, May 15

Many young people today, have furry feeling about life in the days ahead. They turn to forget that whatever they do at the backstage of their life will surely reflect in the front stage of their life in the near future. Whatever you do today, will reflect in your tomorrow.

I am of the view that your tomorrow is determined by what you prioritize today. If for instance you are a person who wants to be a novelist while you do not read others’ novels, you cannot easily achieve your dream. In the same vein, if you are a person who wants to be one of the celebrated footballers or a sports person and you train yourself once in a week, I think it will be difficult in achieving your dream.

Persistence and determination are some key factors to the great achievers in life. No one can achieve greater things in this life that we live today if he/she refuses to persist and be determined on his/her dreams. A good name is better than riches as it is usually said. It is better to persist now than later. I challenge you to be determined as well. People like Bill Gates, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and the like persisted to redeem. 

It is my greatest interest to bring to the notice of the youth and the general public that life is like two sides of a coin- the bile and the liver. The bile is the aspects of life that achievers go through to become successful- the bitter side of life including lambasting, rejection, insults, pinning the buttocks down to read, going for regular down training and many alike. The liver on the side is the sweetest aspects of life which Includes honour, praise, respect, acceptance, and wealth just to mention a few.

Every human creature is ought to see or view these two sides of that coin. It is up to you to view and go through the bile now or the liver now. But remember always that you cannot escape any of the two side of that coin so far as you live in this world. 

Today is really the determiner of tomorrow.