Friday, October 25

Integrated Marketing Communication
 Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is the coordination and integration of marketing communication skills, tools, avenues, and sources within a company into a seamless program, which maximizes impact on consumers and other end users at a minimal cost.
This definition is insinuating the idea that all the relevant tools needed to draw the attention of the consumer to a particular product or service are employed. These tools are both online and offline marketing channels which include online marketing, advertising, public relations, personal selling, sales promotion, and direct selling.
This market concept aims at ensuring consistency of messages and complains through the use of the media. It is believed that to keep the loyalty of a customer or consumer, there is need to use this particular marketing concept.
This is a market concept that I believe that it always draw the attention of the customer in all aspect due to the use of both online and offline marketing channels.
Now let us take time to digest the concept in detail by looking critically at the various forms of the aforementioned IMC:
Online Marketing is one on of the IMC mentioned earlier on. This is the deliberate effort made in the media to draw the attention of a group of audience to utilize a product which is under discussion. For instance, when using “Facebook” especially, one could see a lot of ads from ‘Tigo’ and firms inducing the users of that online page to switch to their network or use their product. This is a perfect example being adopted and displayed by many of our media houses as well; example,,, and many more.
In addition, advertising is the most glamorous and elaborate of marketing tools. This is why many but not all organizations spend huge sum of money on advertising annually. This is via the airtime they buy with the radio and television stations and the spaces they pay for in the print media. Advertising is defined as any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services via the mass media with an identifiable sponsor.   It tries to persuade the customer as well as the potential customers to be loyal to the organization in question. It is designed to get someone to do something. 
Moreover, Public Relations is another form of IMC in which the company or organization manages its reputation. This tool focuses on communication that can actually foster goodwill between an organization and its many constituent groups. the constituents include businesses, individuals in the public domain. This is done through the use of various techniques such as press releases, newsletters and community activities with the aim of reaching the targeted audiences. As mass media becomes clustered with ads and as consumers retain a healthy skepticism of advertising, Public relations and communication are being viewed as important addition the marketing mix.
Personal selling is another form of the IMC used by firms. It is the presentation of information about a firm’s product or service by one person to another person or to a small group of people. Personal selling can be distinguished from all forms of promotion in that it is the only one to one communication that can deliver a completely customized message based on feedback from the receiver of the message. The various types of personal selling include order taking, and creative selling. This is why you will see boys and girls with network card moving around to such for potential customers.
Sales Promotion is another form of IMC which cannot be overlooked because it plays a pivotal role the market concept. It is the use of the incentive techniques that create a perception of greater brand value among consumers, the trade and business buyers.  A sales promotion has four types which are consumer sale promotion, trade promotion, business to business promotion, and sales person’s promotions.

Sales promotion may not seem as stylish and sophistication as a mass media advertising, but expenditure on this tool is impressive. There is a rise in the use of sale promotion. The enormous amount been spent on various programs make sales promotion one of the prominent forms of marketing.

The last form of Integrated Marketing Communication we shall discuss at this moment is direct marketing. This is an interactive system of marketing that uses one or more advertising media to affect a measurable response and or transaction at any location.
Direct marketing is often used to bring forth a direct reply. A powerful is upon getting the message, the receiver phone or mail in an order for a product or service. There is no other form of promotion designed to elicit immediate action. 

In this modern world, the primary methods of direct marketing are direct mail, telemarketing, telephone sales solicitation, and direct response advertising in magazines, newspapers and on television and radio.  

Online ordering through the internet is fast-moving form of direct marketing and has come to be popularly none as e-commerce because of the totally electronic communication between buyers and sellers.

  •     Advertising Exellence- Bouve et al(1995) 
  •   Effective public relations. Eight Edition by Scott Cutlip et al
  • Integrated Marketing Communications. Second Edition by David Pickton and Amanda Broderic     
  •   www.iust